This post complements the project workflow recommendations. It tries to explain in a more introductory and rather assertive way how to work on collaborative projects (not packages) in Julia which follow the convention described in the project workflow recommendations.
The most important feature of the approach described consists in the idea that each project has its own package environment, as described in "Basic Workflow". This allows to prevent package compatibility clashes between different projects.
After checking out the project the first time, you will see it populated with a number of files and subdirectories.
The essential role of files a typical Julia project file tree is as follows:
: This file describes the project on a high level, including the packages it depends on and their compatibility constraints as described in "Basic Workflow".
: License of the project.
: A general description of the project
: Subdirectory for project specific source code shared between scripts and notebooks of the project
: Unit tests for the project code in src
. Could include something from scripts
, notebooks
: Subdirectory containing packages developed locally in this project. At some stage these could be turned into separate Julia packages.
: Julia scripts for creating project results.
: Interactive notebooks
: Sources for the documentation created with Documenter.jl
After checking out the code with git, at first it is necessary to instantiate the project environment. Go to the project root directory and invoke
$ julia --project=.
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
This uses the Julia package manager to automatically download and precompile all Julia packages listed as dependencies in Project.toml
. It also will create a Manifest.toml
file which records recursively all dependenencies with their exact versions.
Likewise, after updating some code from the git repository, it is possible to update the project environment:
$ julia --project=.
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.update()
In order to ensure the activation of the project evironment described in Project.toml
, all scripts and all notebooks activate the project environment at their respective start. Typically, this looks like
Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..."))
To run script scripts/script1.jl
, perform from the project root:
$ julia --project=.
julia> using Revise
julia> includet("scripts/script1.jl")
See here for an explanation of Revise
With some precompilation hiatus, it is also possible to just run
julia scripts/script1.jl
To run the Pluto notebook notebooks/notebook1.jl
, install Pluto in your global environment and perform
$ julia
julia> using Pluto
2025-22-01: Updated some wording
2024-10-02: Initial version