Julia: Basic Workflow

These workflow hints have been developed from my own experience and are essentially an illustration of the workflow tips found in the Julia documentation.

Never leave Julia and write code in functions

Many available Julia examples and the mindset influenced by Matlab or Python suggest that code is written in scripts where computations are performed in the global context. E.g. a script MyScript.jl would look like:

using Package1
using Package2

# computations here

and executed like

$ julia MyScript.jl

However, for Julia this is a bad idea for at least two reasons:


using Package1
using Package2

function main(; kwarg1=1, kwarg2=2)
 # action here 
$ julia
julia> include("MyScript.jl")
julia> main(kwarg1=5)
Module MyScript

using Package1
using PackageN

function main(; kwarg1=1, kwarg2=2)
 # action here 

$ julia
julia> include("MyScript.jl")
julia> MyScript.main(kwarg1=5)
$ julia
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH,pwd())
julia> using MyScript
julia> MyScript.main(kwarg1=5)

Use Revise.jl to reload modified code

In the previous examples, re-loading the code after modifications required to re-run the include statement. The package Revise.jl exports a function includet which triggers automatic recompilation if the source code of the script file or of packages used therein has been modified.

In order to set this up, place the following into the Julia startup file .julia/config/startup.jl in your home directory:

using Revise

You would then run:

$ julia -i
julia> includet("MyScript.jl")
julia> MyScript.main(kwarg1=5)

After having modified MyScript.jl, just another invocation of MyScript.main() would see the changes. See also the corresponding hints in the Julia documentation.

Besides of tracking scripts loaded into the REPL via includet, Revise.jl

Record your project dependencies in reproducible environments

Global environment

By default, packages added to the Julia installation are recorded in the default global environment:

$ julia
pkg> add Package1

This results in corresponding entries in .julia/environments/vx.y/Project.toml and .julia/environments/vx.y/Manifest.toml (where x.y stands for your installed Julia version). Sharing this global environment between all your different projects is risky because of possible conflicts in package version requirements. In addition, relying on the global environment makes it hard to share your code with others, as you would have to find a way to communicate the names of the packages (with versions) which they need to install to run your code in a reproducible way.

Local environments

Local environments provide a remedy.

Assume that an application is Julia code residing in a given directory MyApp, uses one or several other Julia packages and is not intended to be invoked from other packages or applications. An environment is described by the two files in the MyApp directory: Project.toml and Manifest.toml. Set up an environment in the project directory in the following way:

$ cd MyApp
$ julia
$ pkg> activate .
$ pkg> add Package1
$ pkg> add PackageN
$ exit()

After setting up the environment like this, you can perform

$ cd MyApp
$ julia --project=.

and work in the environment. All packages added to Julia in this case are recorded in MyApp instead of .julia/environments/vx.y/. Packages in the global environment still will be visible to your project.

The Project.toml file lists the packages added to the environment. In addition, a Manifest.toml file appears which holds the information about the exact versions of all Julia packages used by the project. Both should be checked into version control along with the source code. If you took care about adding all necessary dependencies to the local environment, after checking out your code, another project collaborator can easily install all dependencies via

$ cd MyApp
$ julia --project=.
$ pkg> instantiate

Shared ("@") Environments

Since Julia 1.7 it is possible to easily work with different more or less global environments:

$ julia --project=@myenv

calls Julia and activates the environment .julia/environments/myenv

This is e.g. useful when working with Pluto. One would start Julia via

$ julia --project=@pluto

Just note that by default, each Pluto notebook will activates it's own environment.

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