Julia: Achieving Performance

In order to let newcomers to the language experience the real performance potential of Julia it is important to raise the awareness for the corresponding "tricks" early on.

This text results from an effort to improve the code performance of a piece of experimental research code which has been written by a colleague new to Julia. It describes the steps taken to get runtime down from 13s to 0.07s and allocations form 763.08 M allocations to 86.

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"Measure performance with @time and pay attention to memory allocations"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

One allocation can use the time of several hundred floating point multiplications.

In order to understand the role of allocations ist is useful to understand the concept of stack and heap, which is fundamental for any modern computer language (as e.g. for Rust in the previous link).

An allocation reserves memory from the memory pool of the operating system ("heap") and is expensive as the interaction with the operating system kernel needs certain amount of bookkeeping. Fundamentally, an allocation happens in any language when creating an object of a priori unknown size, e.g. an array of length unknown at compile time. Objects with a priori known size, as e.g. structs can be placed on top of a piece of memory pre-allocated during program start called "stack", with almost no bookkeeping as no allocation from the system is necessary.

In Julia, the @time macro can be used to find allocations. Besides the execution time it prints the number of allocations happening when running the measured expression. There is also the possibility to run the code with julia --track-allocation.

The idea is then "hunt" allocations by placing temporary @time statements in critical places of the code. In particular, removing allocations from "hot loops" with will pay off.

"REPL based workflow"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

During code development it is helpful never to leave the Julia command line and to include the code after each change using the include statement. This approach avoids Just-in-time (JIT) recompilation which is peformed at startup time.

For more intense projects it is worth to use Revise.jl for automatic handling of code updates instead of calling include again and again.

Also it may be worth to have a look at the Visual Studio Code editing environment for working with Julia.

"Avoid untyped global variables"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

Avoid to work with global variables. E.g. instead of


function important(x)

@btime important(10)
ArgumentError: Package BenchmarkTools not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("BenchmarkTools")` to install the BenchmarkTools package.



function important(x,a,b)

@btime important(10,a,b)
LoadError: UndefVarError: @btime not defined
in expression starting at none:2

A more profound approach which would keep parameter lists short may be the creation of a context struct which collects the parameters.

Alternatively, wrap the global context into a function

function run()

  function important(x)
@btime important(10)
LoadError: UndefVarError: @btime not defined
in expression starting at none:8

and ensure that a and b never change type by type-annotating them (which is not possible for global variables in Julia versions <1.8).


Julia assumes that a global variable can change its type anytime, so it needs to be wrapped into a container ("boxing") labeled with its current type. Handling these is expensive and manifests itself in additional allocations. Type changes of captured variables would have similar implications. In fact, this is very similar to the way e.g. python works with any variable.

"Pre-allocate outputs"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

Pre-allocate memory e.g. for arrays needed in inner loops. In the case where array sizes are unknown a priori, replace expressions like F=[something(i) for i=1:N] by

function Fnum(F)
  if length(F)<N
  for i=1:N 

where F is initialized e.g. via F=zeros(0) is created once and passed to FNum.


An expression like F=[...] creates an array and allocates memory for it. If this happens for a temporay variable used in a function called many times, this becomes a massive performance hit. Therefore, it is better to pre-allocate this memory, pass it to the inner loop function and to increase it on necessity (leading only to few allocations if the hitherto length was too short).

"Avoid changing the type of a variable"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

Replace x=0, x=1, etc. by x=0.0, x=1.0 etc when it comes to declarations of variables later used as floating point values.

Another alternative is to type-annotate variables when declaring them the first time: x::FLoat64=1.


Setting x=1, and writing later x=2.0 changes the type of x and creates a type instability with very much the same consequences as described above with respect to global variables. The @code_warntype macro can help to find corresponding situations.

"More dots: fuse vectorized operations"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

Replace vector expressions like


by either

u.= v.-w

or the equivalent

@. u=v-w

Vector expressions without dot "." result in handling each elementary expression in its own loop over vector length and creating intermediate values which need to be allocated.

The dot tells Julia to fuse these loops, that means the Julia compiler creates exactly one loop which applies the operations component-wise instead of creating code for each operation apart. This removes multiple loop bookkeeping overheads and avoids allocation of memory for intermediate expressions.

Connected to his hint is the fact that unlike with python/numpy, in Julia there is no need to "vectorize" code for performance. Writing your own loops or writing fused vector expressions is sufficient to get full performance with Julia.

"Be aware of when Julia avoids specializing"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

Moving functions parametrizing the code from global variables to function parameters creates a new source of allocations. This can be removed by type-annotating the newly introduced function parameters.

E.g. for func being a function parameter of g, replace

function  g(func, a,b,c)


function   g(func::T, a, b,c) where {T}


Usually, if Julia is aware of the types of parameters passed to a function, it creates specialized code for each combination of type signatures. E.g. with a definition f(x)=x*x Julia is triggered to create code for floating point numbers when calling f(2.0) and for rational numbers when calling f(2//1). This behavior is called specialization.

There are exceptions to this rule. One exception are function parameters. Julia by default does not specialize on function parameter types (in Julia, each function has its own type), resulting in an allocation when calling the first version of g(func,a,b,c), even when the body of g is "allocation free".

Type-annotating func in the parameter list of g with a type parameter triggers Julia to create specialized code for each function passed.

"Performance annotations"

Julia docs ๐Ÿ”—

Annotate inner loops with @fastmath @inbounds to remove bounds checking and some speed constraints inherent to pure IEEE floating point arithmetic.

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