Script example

Import stuff

using Pkg
using ExampleJuggler
import CairoMakie
using Test

Run stuff

x, fx = mock_x()
maxfx = maximum(fx)

Plot of the result

We can test when the script runs

@test isapprox(maxfx, 1.0; rtol = 1.0e-3)

If we don't want the tests in the script we can test in the runtests function

function runtests(; kwargs...)
    println("runtests from  testscript")
    @test isapprox(maxfx, 1.0; rtol = 1.0e-3)

Here we generate plots

function generateplots(dir; kwargs...)
    CairoMakie.activate!(; type = "svg", visible = false)
    p = CairoMakie.lines(x, fx), "ExampleScript.svg"), p)

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